I have a major case of startitis right now. I can't seem to help wanting to start new projects all the time. I think part of it has to do with the fact that most of my projects are in a boring stage.
I have a dress for Aubrey with cute little owl cable things at the bottom. I am in the knit plain until skirt is long enough stage. When did Aubrey get so freaking tall?! It's taking forever! It's empire waisted though so once I get through the skirt I am almost done. I just have to decide on what to do with the sleeves. The original that I am copying has little cap sleeves, but I am thinking of doing sleeves down to her elbows and doing one of the little owl cables on those too.
I have a snowflake afghan that I wanted to have done for Christmas *cough* yeah right *cough*. I memorized the pattern for that a while a go and am now in the repeat until infinity stage. Ok, so it's really repeat until you have 98 but boy does that seem like a lot.
I have Aubrey's Christmas reindeer sweater. I have no idea why I stalled out on that one. It's colorwork, and at the point I am at now every row is different. I guess I just abandoned it in favor of shiny new projects. (see above owl dress)
And as if that isn't enough, yesterday I went and bought yarn to start a new sweater from the new Interweave Knits. I am trying to be good and not start it until I finish at least the skirt part of the dress, but it is calling my name! Click Here See how pretty it is! I am being daring and doing it in a gold/mustard color. Definitely not everyone's cup of tea, and I'm not sure if it will look good on me when all is said and done. But I keep being drawn to things on Ravelry that are gold/mustard, so I decided to just go for it.
You sound like me but I have sewing projects instead of knitting projects. lol It sounds like you are working on a lot of beautiful things. I can't wait to see them!
Must be in the blood! I have been wanting to sew & crochet again. Only in a different manner I want to reuse, deconstruct, recycle old clothing. Think I can fit that in with the jewelry and painting? Yeah right!
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