November 22, 2009


I have a major case of startitis right now. I can't seem to help wanting to start new projects all the time. I think part of it has to do with the fact that most of my projects are in a boring stage.

I have a dress for Aubrey with cute little owl cable things at the bottom. I am in the knit plain until skirt is long enough stage. When did Aubrey get so freaking tall?! It's taking forever! It's empire waisted though so once I get through the skirt I am almost done. I just have to decide on what to do with the sleeves. The original that I am copying has little cap sleeves, but I am thinking of doing sleeves down to her elbows and doing one of the little owl cables on those too.

I have a snowflake afghan that I wanted to have done for Christmas *cough* yeah right *cough*. I memorized the pattern for that a while a go and am now in the repeat until infinity stage. Ok, so it's really repeat until you have 98 but boy does that seem like a lot.

I have Aubrey's Christmas reindeer sweater. I have no idea why I stalled out on that one. It's colorwork, and at the point I am at now every row is different. I guess I just abandoned it in favor of shiny new projects. (see above owl dress)

And as if that isn't enough, yesterday I went and bought yarn to start a new sweater from the new Interweave Knits. I am trying to be good and not start it until I finish at least the skirt part of the dress, but it is calling my name! Click Here See how pretty it is! I am being daring and doing it in a gold/mustard color. Definitely not everyone's cup of tea, and I'm not sure if it will look good on me when all is said and done. But I keep being drawn to things on Ravelry that are gold/mustard, so I decided to just go for it.

October 1, 2009

Socktoberfest 2009

I am partaking in Socktoberfest this year. Basically you knit socks for the month of October. There is a Ravelry group here. I ordered 4 new things of sock yarn just for this event.

The one in the back is my favorite:

Isn't it purty (yes, I just said purty). I am going to make it into the Blossom socks from Twist Collective.

I have also started some Mystery Socks out of the green:

I did some mystery socks last year and had a lot of fun.

The other two yarns have patterns yet to be determined. I have something in mind for the crazy purple and orange yarn but I have to swatch to see if it will work.

September 8, 2009

Back from the Beach

We took a little three day trip to the central California coast this last weekend. Despite the large amount of other people (Labor Day and all that) we had a lot of fun.

We started things off with a trip to the Santa Barbara Zoo. Aubrey seemed to enjoy looking at all the animals. (more zoo pictures here)

We then headed to the hotel and just relaxed for the remainder of the day.

The next morning we headed out to the beach. We went north to Pismo State Beach and hung out for a couple hours. (more beach pictures here)

Aubrey got bored of the beach and was ready for a nap so we made a spur of the moment decision to drive a few hours up to Monterey and go to the aquarium there. Unfortunately it was super busy. But it is such a nice place that we still had a good time. (more aquarium pictures here)

The last day we stopped at a couple other beaches, but Aubrey just wasn't into it as much. (more pictures here)

So we grabbed some lunch on Stearn's Warf and headed home.

(Thresher Shark)


August 28, 2009

Ridiculously Cute Beach Socks

I am working on a new pattern. Some very cute beach inspired socks. I finished the toddler ones today. I still have to knit most of the adult sized pair and write up the pattern. So it will probably be the end of Sept. before I have it ready. Until then, all I have is pictures.

Please excuse the quality of these next two. It is extremely difficult to get good pictures of socks on toddler feet in a house with very bad lighting.

ETA: Yes. I know I said I would post details of the other socks. I still need to take pictures of them. I got distracted.

August 21, 2009

Socks in Progress

Pretty socks out of pretty yarn Andrew gave me for my birthday. I'll post details later. For now just my goofy attempt at artistic knitting photography. :P

August 17, 2009

Washington County Fair 2009

Yes, I know, I'm a bad lazy blogger and haven't posted in forever. I have knitting projects completed and un-blogged. I have more projects in the works. I have no excuses. I am just a lazy blogger.

This last weekend was my younger sister Willow's birthday. We had a little family party and then went to the county fair for a couple hours.

Aubrey (and Andrew) loved the petting zoo!

She liked the chickens the most. She kept going back to them. Over and over and . . .

She wasn't too sure about the carousel.

She loved the snow cones though!

And just because I love goats, here are some gratuitous goat picture :P

The next morning we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. Aubrey and Isabella were being cute but I only managed to get one shot before my camera battery died.

All in all it was a pretty fun weekend. Maybe next year Aubrey will be into the fair more.

June 25, 2009

Cherry Cobbler Muffins

We had some cherries in the fridge that were starting to go bad. So I decided to make something tasty. I found this recipe, but used the fresh cherries instead of canned pie filling.

Cherry Cobbler Muffins

The recipe calls for mixing the pie filling into the batter. Instead I filled the cups partially and then put in the cherries and then covered them with the rest of the batter.

Cherry Cobbler Muffins

They turned out sooo tasty. The best part is the yummy cherry surprise in the center!

Yummy Cherry Center

June 15, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Ok, so my birthday isn't actually until tomorrow, but we had a little party at my parents house over the weekend.

Saturday we hung out at Melissa's. The plan was to go swimming but it was overcast so we just hung out in the backyard.

Hamming it up


I got this super cute picture of my niece Isabella!
Pretty IsabellA

The girls had a little picnic inside together.
Eating Crunchies

Sunday we hung out at my parents house.

Big Smiles

Aubrey did some coloring with Grandma

Coloring with Grandma


Then we had some delicious cake made by my sister Willow!

Birthday Cake

The spoils: Knitting book, yarn and chocolate. Awesome!